Thursday, 22 May 2014

Badri narayan temple at Mathura

The past times of lord krishna are fascinating and never ending
Did you know that there is a badrinath ,kedarnath  temples at mathura.lord krishna brought the entire char dham to mathura to enable  his parents to have a darshan.
Nanda maharaja and yashoda did not have issues even after long years of marriage .They prayed  all gods to bless them with a child 
and took a vow to visit chardham if they were blessed with a child. 

Their happiness knew no bounds when krishna was born and were immersed in enjoying their child grow up,and forgot all about their vows.
Once when krishna after grazing the cows reached home ..Nandamaharaj and yashoda were filed with happiness at looking at the beautiful child and thanked god silently,suddenly NAND maharaja was reminded of his vows to visit char dham . He started from his village but could not go much further due to old age, lord krishna was only 4years ,unable to see his parents plight decided to call badri vishal kedarnath gangothri Yamunotri,and and river  alaknand ,tapt kind to mathura.
Nanda maharaja and yashoda had their bath in taptkund and had a darshan of badri vishal .This place is also called as adi badri.
  Kedarnath can be seen during chorasi kosh yatra which is 252 km
Pilgrim covering mathura vridavan with 12 vanas forests and 24 upavanas and the hill of govardan NAND Goan barasana (birth place of Radha)
Visiting these places is equal to visiting Uttaranchal . One can attain liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.

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